To weigh or not to weigh

Should our weight be kept in check?   Weighing was at the centre of one of my sessions this morning and so I decided to write some more about it while my memory was still fresh. Should we or should we not weigh ourselves? That is the question. As always, the answer isn’t clear cut, […]

What is your drishty in life

Finding your life drishty

What’s your drishti in life? The question of “why” often poses itself. Why did I/ my child have an eating disorder? Finding the exact answer to this can be useful but over the years I’ve come to realise that the general answer tend to always be the same. At some point in the person’s life […]

Saving your calories for later

banking your calories

Saving your calories for later is also called “banking” your calories, like you have a tight budget to respect and allocate wisely. If you want to save time and not read the full article, let me just say that your body isn’t a bank. The end. What does banking your calories mean? Saving your calories […]

How I recovered from anorexia

Food has always been part of my life I have always loved food and cooking and I come from a family where food was celebrated. We often had people over for dinner parties and my mum cooked pretty much everything from scratch. I was interested in doing dietetics in my early teenage years but I […]

The frightening reality of banning sugar at Halloween

Sugar at Halloween

Trick or trick Every October I am reminded of the frightening reality of banning sugar at Halloween. It’s always the same thing: my Instagram feed is flooded with posts about the danger of sugar and how society has tricked our kids into becoming ill. I am reminded of the daily sugar recommendations for children, of […]

Lower level movement: when restriction seeps into your every move.

low level movement and anorexia

This post on low level movement will most pertain to anorexia nervosa, or to people who are restricting their food intake in a way that it affects their physiology. This is because there is a physiological reason for lower level movement. So what is lower level movement? Well, it is a term used to describe […]

Why volume eating could be disordered

Volume eating

What is volume eating? Volume eating is essentially eating large amounts foods. Mind it’s not any type of food, here we are talking of low calorie foods. I suspect that if it wasn’t low calorie, diet culture would be quick in calling it overeating or binge eating but as long as there aren’t too many […]

The Number Games: how counting calories is keeping you stuck

The Number Games Calorie counting was the bane of my life and also probably what saved me in the end. I got so sick of all those numbers tumbling round my head and it just had to stop. Interestingly I can’t remember having a particular calorie count that I had to stick to, perhaps I […]

Food rules

Food rules

FOOD RULES   Does it spark joy? If not, get rid of it. All my clients come with a bag full of food rules and our work together is to slowly unpack them all. I have a mental image of each client coming in and literally emptying their bag of food rules on the table, […]

A low fat diet isn’t going to help you recover from anorexia and here is why.

(it’s not what you think btw)   Fat facilitates digestion in recovery The less fat you eat, the less work your gallbladder has. Big deal you might think, WTF is the gallbladder anyway? Well it’s a little pouch like organ that stores and releases bile. Bile is a substance produced by your liver cells to […]