Eating disorder Talks for schools
I have years of experience in giving eating disorder talks to pupils and staff. The topics include the dangers of eating disorders, what is healthy eating, body image and social media.
Talks can either be in person or online.
I really enjoy interacting with young people. I feel they have so much to learn and unlearn because there is a lot of misinformation out there.
Both boys and girls are under a tremendous amount of pressure to look a certain way and conform to impossible beauty standards.
I believe prevention is better than reaction and in my opinion talking is part of the answer.
Talking openly about eating disorders, the pitfalls of clean eating and social media could save pupils a lot of hurt and harm.
The rate of eating disorders is steadily growing, and unhealthy beliefs about food and body image can start from as early as six years old and more commonly around the age of nine. It’s crucial we start discussing those issues before problems arise.
We live in a digital world and our children are bombarded with images of perfect bodies, perfect lives, perfect food, perfect workouts etc., and we need to help them understand that these are mere chimaeras.
We need to change the way we teach children about healthy eating. Too often it is presented in a black-and-white fashion, with some foods ‘good’ and some ‘bad’. This can plant the seeds of an unhealthy relationship with food.
I understand that schools are doing their best to teach children to feed themselves better in the face of a growing obesity problem, but let’s do it properly. Let me help your kids make sense of it all and teach them what “healthy eating” really is.
What they say
Thank you so very much for coming to do our talks last week. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. One pupil said it was the most powerful talk they’ve ever had and others said it was the most useful. These comments were not prompted, two pupils emailed me, some came and spoke to me and one parent emailed in really positively. Thank you, you’ve made a real difference to our pupils. – A
Thanks Anne! And thanks for the seminars – personally they’ve been the most important and exciting part of my week so thank you for that. – E