
To weigh or not to weigh
Should our weight be kept in check? Weighing was at the centre of one of my sessions this morning and so I decided to

What is your drishty in life
What’s your drishti in life? The question of “why” often poses itself. Why did I/ my child have an eating disorder? Finding the exact answer

Saving your calories for later
Saving your calories for later is also called “banking” your calories, like you have a tight budget to respect and allocate wisely. If you want

How I recovered from anorexia
Food has always been part of my life I have always loved food and cooking and I come from a family where food was celebrated.

The frightening reality of banning sugar at Halloween
Trick or trick Every October I am reminded of the frightening reality of banning sugar at Halloween. It’s always the same thing: my Instagram feed

Lower level movement: when restriction seeps into your every move.
This post on low level movement will most pertain to anorexia nervosa, or to people who are restricting their food intake in a way that

Why volume eating could be disordered
What is volume eating? Volume eating is essentially eating large amounts foods. Mind it’s not any type of food, here we are talking of low

The Number Games: how counting calories is keeping you stuck
The Number Games Calorie counting was the bane of my life and also probably what saved me in the end. I got so sick of

Food rules
FOOD RULES Does it spark joy? If not, get rid of it. All my clients come with a bag full of food rules and

A low fat diet isn’t going to help you recover from anorexia and here is why.
(it’s not what you think btw) Fat facilitates digestion in recovery The less fat you eat, the less work your gallbladder has. Big deal

Should I be eating bread?
“Should I be eating bread?”. If I had a pound every time people asked me this question, I would be paying someone to write this

Why you are the key to your child’s recovery from anorexia and not the cause?
You are not to blame So often I have desperate parents on the phone telling me their child is in the throes of anorexia, that

Can men get eating disorders too?
Historically, we have heard of more women suffering from eating disorders than men, which has led to the common belief that it’s a “girl thing”.

Coping in January with an eating disorder
December is pretty bad but January is definitely the worst month when you have an eating disorder. Whatever stages you’re at in your recovery, January

Starting uni with an eating disorder
Starting uni when you have an eating disorder is hard and you may need some help. It’s October and that’s it: you made the big